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5 lesbian-style flirting tips

lesbian style flirting

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus– and that’s true with lesbians and straight men. given that they both like women. This is because lesbians have different ways of loving, courting, keeping a relationship., and lesbian-style flirting.

So how do we flirt? Here are a few tips.

Lesbian-style flirting tips #1: Use the Gay Eye Contact

There are eye contacts, and there are gay eye contacts. There is so much one can accomplish by looking at the girl you like.

It’s so powerful you can do it across a crowded room.

Lesbian-style flirting tips #2. Compliment her

As women, we know what a compliment can do. A simple compliment, when done in a very sincere, charming way, can open a lot of doors.

One of those doors, without sounding cheesy, can be a girl’s heart.

A compliment is different from a line. THe difference between the two is that the latter is honest: it’s believable, it’s old-fashioned, and it has a charm on its own.

You can tell by the way her face lights up, even subtly, if she liked what you said.

Lesbian-style flirting tips #3: Chill

Nothing ruins a perfectly set up flirtation than a very unrelaxed flirter. Flirting is about charm.

It’s about building chemistry between the two of you. It’s positive. It’s light.

Imagine when you come up to her and because of your nervousness, your voice can be barely be heard.

What’s the point of starting a conversation?

Of course, being a little shy and nervous is an effective way to flirt as well.

However, there’s a thin line between appealing and just plain awkward. So unless you can see the difference, better be natural and just practice being chill.

Lesbian-style flirting tips #4. Ask questions

There’s a nice tip we got from Jerry Seinfeld: pretend you’re a host and keep asking questions.

When you’re flirting, you want the girl to feel comfortable. When you’re flirting, it’s like hosting a party and you’re inviting her in.

You don’t want to make your guest get bored. You also want to make her feel important.

One way of being a good host is to pretend you’re a talk show host and ask your guest questions. One advantage to this is that you get to know things about her.

Lesbian-style flirting tips #5: Be honest

One last tip: nothing beats honesty. If the flirting fails, you can say to yourself, you were just being honest.

It’s better than being insincere and failing.

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