by Astrologer and Psychic, Victoria Bearden
Forward Momentum
This is a month for new starts. So, if you’ve been in a funk, or feeling like you’ve been “holding your breath” for a while, you will start to feel the shift. If you are already going full steam ahead, the planets will give you an extra push. Mars and Saturn in Aquarius might bring up some problems, but will also provide the determination to solve them. But the real gem is the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces.
Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces
During the first couple of weeks of April we will be blessed by two very “spiritual” planets coming together in soulful Water Sign Pisces. The influence is quite strong the first two weeks of the month, but will have a big impact throughout. Jupiter goes through Pisces every 12 years, but the hasn’t come together with Neptune like this since 1856, so put it on your calendar. This is a once in a lifetime event and could have a big impact on whatever you are planning next.
Since both planets are already associated with the rulership of the sign of the Fishes, we have a major amplification of the “Pisces Principle.” Humanitarian concerns will be front and center, and will be hard for anyone to ignore. Helpers and healers will be called into action and assistance could come in unexpected ways. If you are seeking healing, guidance, inspiration, or just answers to practical problems, this could really help you!
This is also a time when many of us will be completing a significant karmic cycle in our lives. Pisces is the last of the 12 signs, and represents things that have come “full circle.” This can indicate a period of significant endings, that will lead to something different and potentially better. Whatever this aspect means for you, be prepared. It’s a unique opportunity to gain incredible insight into the true meaning of your life, if you are open to look at it. Embrace the changes, open up to new things, and release the past.
Visualize the future you want the most, but remember to keep it real. Be willing to take action steps to bring your dreams into reality.
Extraordinary Times
We are in a time of monumental change. International relationships are being restructured in obvious ways, and also behind the scenes. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is definitely a linchpin in the larger scheme of things. And we have only just begun to see the effect this will have on the global economy, and on our own lives. But our instinct to survive, our altruism, and our creativity is still intact, which will ultimately direct the outcome of this truly remarkable period. We are evolving, and this is all part of it. So be aware, put your thoughts towards the positive, and stay present in your life! After decades of working with astrology, and my intuition, I remain optimistic about our collective destiny when I look into the future. Each one of us is making a difference by the way think and the choices we make.
America’s Aquarian Lessons
Aquarius is related to democracy and freedom. The US is a Cancer Sun, with an Aquarius Moon, and Sagittarius Rising. The Moon in a country’s chart is linked to the core identity of it’s people. And when the Moon gets triggered, people react. So when push comes to shove, Americans are going to act like Aquarians, and fight for their freedom. And things really have come full circle. As I mentioned in my last newsletter, the US Pluto Return is here, as Pluto is right where is was when the country was founded. The reset button has been pushed. It officially started in February 2022. It will continue through 2024. And between now and then, a lot is going to change.
The Pluto Return means things will NOT stay the same. Power will shift and change hands. So it’s going to be a rocky few years, but there’s an excellent chance we’ll be heading towards having a more functional government, not the other way around. This is a time of testing which will lead to some breakdowns, as well as breakthroughs. The state of the US economy will have a huge impact on the mid-term elections this year, and everything that happens after. And at the start of 2023, Saturn in Aquarius will line up exactly with America’s Aquarius Moon. This definitely ups the ante and makes everything a lot more serious, as it could represent further economic struggles, restrictions, and limitations. And if people continue to feel their leaders aren’t performing, they’ll react and we’ll see this at the polls.
In truth, democracy really is in a shaky place, both here, and internationally. Yet I don’t think American democracy is going to disappear, unless we let it. And I don’t think we will. So here’s my prediction. The US will be alive and reasonably well in 2024 and beyond, but greatly changed. We will very likely elect a new leader, but I’m not quite ready to predict who that is yet, so you’ll just have to keep reading my newsletters! Whichever party is more in tune with grassroots sentiment of the people will have a huge advantage.
Aquarius and Ukraine
Ukraine is a very early Virgo, with Moon in Aquarius, and Aquarius Rising, born August 24, 1991. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius, which can signify hardship and problems with “authoritarian” people, has lined up with Ukraine’s Aquarius Moon. This is never a pleasant influence, and this is an extreme manifestation. Transiting Saturn (Russia) will continue opposing Ukraine’s key planetary placements in late Leo and her early Virgo Sun until March of 2023.
Pluto in Capricorn has reached Ukraine’s Saturn, bringing about a true “existential crisis.” Any contact between Saturn and Pluto will tend to bring about changes that are not reversible. In the meantime, a “fateful” influence will take place over the next few weeks, as the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction opposes Ukraine’s Mars in Virgo. This definitely represents a major shift in the direction of the conflict, and we will be able to “predict” the ultimate outcome by observing key events that take place this April.
We already know things will never go back to what they were. But there is a chance for some kind of “Hail Mary” this month that could turn the tide for the better in some ways. And you never know. People around the world are sending thoughts, prayers, and resources to help, which could influence the outcome of this perilous time. The Aquarius Moons of both America and Ukraine suggest a very strong karmic connection between the two countries.
Volodymyr Zelensky, born January 25, 1978, is an Aquarius with Moon in Leo and Gemini Rising. His Sun/Venus conjunction in Aquarius is closely aligned with Ukraine’s Aquarius Rising, indicating that in many ways, he is “at one” with the destiny of the entire country. So, in a way, what happens to Zelensky happens to Ukraine, and vis versa. Saturn in Aquarius has reached his Mid-Heaven, ruling his life direction and his role in the world. Many other planets are also moving through his 10th House, or “career” zone, highlighting, and challenging everything he has done so far in his life. Zelensky was born with Jupiter Rising, making him somewhat lucky. Is he lucky enough to cheat death right now? It’s highly possible. But, but I won’t lie. Pluto in late Capricorn is close enough to his early Aquarius Sun to put him in great danger. Days immediately leading up to and following the Full Moon on April 16 will have a huge impact on him and on the entire situation.
There’s a Full Moon at 26° Libra, April 16, 2022 at 11:54 AM, PDT. The Full Moon in Libra will call attention to our need to find balance in life, particularly in relationships. The Sun in Aries symbolizes our self-determination, our individual choices, and the force of our will. Libra symbolizes our interdependence and need for others, and the creative process that occurs when two or more people come together. Both the Sun and Moon make a square to Pluto in Capricorn, bringing up the fundament conflicts we experience when we need to integrate what we need, with the needs of others. If you have been feeling frustrated in your relationships (or lack thereof), this moon could signal a time of tension that leads to important breakthroughs. Magic and intention setting related to independence and love will be very favorable.
The Sun Enters earthy, creative, abundant Taurus on April 20, 2021. The Sun in Taurus puts the emphasis on our physical realty, resources, food, and our connection to the earth and nature.
There’s a New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse at 10° Taurus on April 30, 2022, at 1:27 AM, PDT. This an important one! Eclipses always represent major changes, both in the world, and in our own lives, so definitely pay attention to things that are happening during this time period, or plan to “make them happen” if you really need something to go a different direction. The Sun and Moon align with Uranus, the ruler of radical change. This is explosive, evocative, and could also represent surprises, upsets, possible earthquakes or extreme weather events. If your life has become stuck in some area, use the essence of this eclipse to unstick it. Neptune, Venus, and Jupiter form a nice lineup in Pisces to help bring creative inspiration and spiritual aid to those who need it. Cast the net and throw things out there in the weeks leading up to this event. This includes job applications, requests for promotions, offers on properties, and so on. This is an amazing day to create intentions to manifest vibrant health and prosperity. There will be a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, the other half of the pair, on May 15, 2022.
Opportunity Days: April 14, 20, 21, 22, 26, and 27
To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.
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