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Arizona Businesses “Open To Everyone”

With the passage of SB 1062, the “License to Discriminate” bill in Arizona, opposition to the bill has been growing. Many businesses and organizations in Arizona understand that this bill does more that it says it would. It would allow any individual, corporation, institution, or business organization may be permitted to refuse services to LGBT people on the basis of religious freedom.

Businesses across Arizona are contacting Governor Brewer and letting Arizonans know that they are “Open for Business to Everyone!” using signs like this:

If you’re a business owner in Arizona and believe that no one should fear being turned away at a government office, a restaurant, or any other business that serves the public just because of who they are, print out this sign and post in your business.

SB1062 aims to legally sanction discrimination against the LGBT community, but your voice can make a difference in stopping this license to hate from becoming law. Join HRC and others at a rally Monday at 5:30 p.m., at the State House to call on Governor Brewer to veto SB 1062. For more information contact HRC Regional Field Organizer Adrian Matanza, who is on-the-ground in Phoenix.

Or contact Governor Brewer here, or text AZ to 30644 to be directly connected to the Governor’s office.

(Courtesy of

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