Summer is at its height and it’s time for all those Leo birthdays. And remember, Leos expect a big party and lavish gifts! The emphasis this month is fire. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will all be rolling through the Fire Sign Leo, which is exciting, dramatic, and potentially fun. Some of this energy will be bouncing off Uranus in Aries, sparking innovation and positive surprises. Take some time to be creative. This year has been demanding and August would be a good time to make a conscious choice to revel a bit.
Lucky Jupiter has just recently moved into Leo, which will be noticeable. Jupiter is the planet associated with “good fortune.” Leo is associated with the Sun and the 5th House, which is also pretty darn fortunate. So, let the games begin! This month should be favorable for more risk taking, particularly if you have an emphasis in Fire Signs in your own birth chart.
If you are planning a party, try the weekend starting with Friday, August 8th. There’s a Full Moon in Aquarius on Sunday, August 10 and lots of great “group” energy to work with.
The Sun enters the Earth Sign Virgo on August 23 and things take on a slightly more serious, work-oriented tone. There’s a New Moon in Virgo on August 25, which will be followed by a slightly weird few days, as the Sun in Virgo opposes mysterious Neptune in Pisces. So, expect things to be on the spacey side from about August 25 through August 31. This might be great for creative endeavors, or even spiritual ones, but not so great for logic, order, and clarity.
Opportunity Days: August 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 21, 28
Femastrology Horoscopes for August 2014
For all the Sun Signs: Everyone will notice a nice shift in energy this month with planets moving through the sign of Leo. Saturn in Scorpio is direct now, which will be particularly beneficial to those of us with Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) prominent in our birth charts. Saturn Direct will be felt by most as a progressive push involving work and productivity. Early Virgos and Pisceans should take care during the last week of the month, as the Sun/Neptune opposition may scramble their brains a bit.
Aries (March 21-April 19) This should be an absolutely great month to spread your wings and fly. Creative and romantic vibrations abound. Luck is on your side with new ventures. Healing energy is more available. Take advantage of this favorable period and expand your horizons. This is a good time to make progressive decisions.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) If you want to get some things straightened out regarding your home or property holdings; this is a good time for that. You may feel a little over burdened, but your vitality should be improving. You should have more energy for goals and projects. Make choices about who you’d like to commit to, in work and the personal arena.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Aside from the fact that you still might be fuzzy about your “big picture” goals, this month should be a rocking’ good time for friendships and new connections. Stay focused or you’ll tend to over commit yourself. You can only be in one place at a time after all. Or maybe two, loll.
Cancer (June 21-July 21) Good vibrations in the financial department may motivate you to spend some of your hard earned cash. Go ahead, you deserve it. Work should go well now, and you may have the opportunity to combine business with pleasure. Some relationships require some scrutiny, however, as you will not feel like putting up with power plays.
Leo (July 23-August 22) Happy Birthday! Things should really being looking up. Opportunities might come right up to your front door, so make sure to open when it knocks. If you would like to travel this is a good time to do it. Perhaps a trip to Vegas? Luck is on your side now, so roll those dice.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) If you feel the pull towards for a little “down time” you’ll probably get a lot out of it. Work will be calling to you, but you’ll get more done if you are feeling refreshed and rested. Take a good look at the people you are spending your time with, and how you are feeling when you spend time with them. Get rid of any “energy vampires” that might have latched on.
Libra (September 23-October 22) This is a great month to spend time with friends and colleagues. Whether it’s work or play, collective efforts are favorable. You may be tempted to put some responsibilities off to the side, but when it comes to money, make sure you are paying attention.
Scorpio (October 23-Novemeber 21) The Mars/Saturn pairing in your sign could make you unstoppable! Put this energy into projects at work and in your personal world. Harness your strength and put it to good use. This is a very favorable time for you out in public. Take advantage of it.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) The fiery planetary vibes this month could be your ticket to Fun City. Travel and romance are favored. Creativity is high. You might be tempted to simply enjoy the good vibrations. And what’s so wrong with that? But if you have some goals to tend to, this is great time to do that, too. Definitely a good time to be a Sag.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Pay attention to business and important social connections. People expect you to show up to certain functions, and you should. This is a potentially productive time. Don’t worry about the things that didn’t quite work out last month. Get some new energy going and you will be happy with the results. If certain chapters in your life need to close, let them.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Lots of energy is moving around in your relationship department. This could be extremely fortunate in business, and even better in the personal arena. Single Aquarians take note!
Pisces (February 19-March 20) This is a wild, weird, and magical time for you. You could make some terrific decisions if you really connect to that amazing intuition of yours. But don’t fly off into your imagination too far. You’ll need your wits about you. Many practical decisions are coming up for your review.
Victoria Bearden has practiced astrology for over 30 years, with clients across the country and abroad. To set up a personal consultation you can call her at 760-634-1028 or visit her web site at