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August Femastrology 2018


08 August Femastrology - LeoBy Victoria Bearden

Get ready for some change for the better. Many of us are feeling a little spun out after a summer of cranky retrograde planets and provocative eclipses. The astrological climate has been demanding, to say the least. But change is in sight. Later this month two key planets, Mercury and Mars, go direct, which will be a game changer. Then, the flow of information and action will start to pick up speed. We will all have a chance to put the pieces of the puzzle together and start getting the bigger picture of our lives into focus.

But we still have some controversy to push through, as aggressive retrograde Mars squares off with revolutionary
Uranus the first few days of August. This is a pressure cooker and can prompt frustration and conflict. It’s the
overwhelming feeling that “something’s got to give,” but nobody seems to be giving ground. That combined with
one more Solar Eclipse is sure to keep things a bit wonky, so hang tough! Keep your cool and use the first part of
the month to get all your ducks in a row. Gather your resources, do your research, and pull things together. Then
you’ll be ready to roll with projects and new plans when the energy shifts.

Leo the lion is in full swing at this time of year. There will be lessons to learn regarding authority and leadership. This noble Fire Sign can bring out the best in us if we express the positive, healthy side of self-esteem. We can get in touch with our Inner Child through creativity and playfulness. Healthy competition, games, and sports are also a great way to channel this vibration. The downside shows up when people, particularly those in positions of power, decide to throw their weight around in a dominant and ruthless manner. The bottom line is, everyone likes to win, but when Leo goes rogue, the ends sometimes justify the means. We can all keep ourselves accountable in this regard. We should hold our leaders to the same standards.

There’s a Solar Eclipse at 18° degrees Leo on Saturday, August 11, 2018, at 2:58 am PDT. All the aforementioned Lessons of Leo will be on full display, which could bring up some drama and ego conflicts. President Donald Trump has Leo Rising, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is a Leo, so you know things are going to be “interesting.” This eclipse lines up with Mercury retrograde in Leo, which makes communication a real challenge. But the eclipse might shake a few things loose and open the doorway to eventual compromise and resolution. Get ready for some eye-opening events, both in your personal life and out in the world. Big shifts in awareness often coincide with these compelling celestial events. Pay close attention to any wake-up calls, as events that occur around eclipses tend to have great significance. As always, if your birthday falls near an eclipse, you are heading into a year to remember.

Mercury goes Direct on Saturday, August 18, 2018, at 9:25 pm PDT. Yay! Communication will improve. New starts and projects will require less effort. Problems tend to be easier to solve! Many things that have seemed confusing over the past few weeks may finally clear up. It will take a little while to really see the full effect, but it’s definitely a turning point. Be patient, as you might still feel like you are playing “catch up” for a week or two.

The Sun enters Earth Sign Virgo on Wednesday, August 22, 2018. The energy shifts to Earth, representing work,
problem-solving, and practicality. Time to get your groove on dealing with health, your daily routine, and work as
the Summer Cycle begins to wind down.

There’s a Full Moon on Sunday, August 26, 2018, at 03° Pisces. The Full Moon represents the culmination of a cycle. Pisces elevates the principles of love, compassion, and healing. The Sun in Virgo represents the earthly, physical manifestation of healing and service to others. This moon will be a magnificent opportunity to embrace these ideals and bring them into your life, and into the world, by “paying it forward” in some way. This is the perfect day to spend time doing a spiritual practice, such as prayer or meditation. Artistic pursuits could get a burst of inspiration. There is a Grand Trine in Earth on the Full Moon, between The Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. This is a much-needed positive and stabilizing influence after all the retrogrades and other planetary intensity of the previous weeks. The Earth Sign Energy can help us all figure out how to bring our hopes and dreams into reality, and that’s what it’s all about.

Mars in Aquarius finally goes Direct on Monday, August 27, 2018, the day after the Full Moon. This is great news, as many things that have been stalled have the chance of moving forward in the weeks to come. This planetary change will make it much easier for all types of negotiations. New starts in business and personal relations will go much more smoothly now. If you tried to launch a project recently that fizzled, try again in a week or so. You might be very surprised at how much is possible that wasn’t the first time around.

Opportunity Days: August 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 27 and 28

To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.

Want to read more from Victoria or get a personal reading? Check out her website here.

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