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Brianna Hildebrand: More than just the attitude

Brianna Hildebrand

Actress Brianna Hildebrand is a newcomer to the movie scene, currently crushing every scene in the sequel to the blockbuster movie Deadpool as the mutant Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

But while she carries a lot of attitude in both movies, Brianna is more than just a buzzcut hairstyle as the other movie role she’s had is a high school student encountering her first lesbian love.

Yes, she’s pretty much queer and she’s definitely out (though she doesn’t accept tags).

Brianna Hildebrand: Between music and movies

There’s probably a future somewhere with Brianna an upcoming singer with an album in her name. However, in our universe, she first became an actress.

Brianna was born on 14 August 1996 and grew up in the small town of College Station, Texas. She explained to Interview Magazine that her brother influenced her in taking up the guitar.

“I actually started playing the guitar because of him. Both of my brothers are 12 years older than me, so I thought they were really cool and I just wanted to be really cool like them,” Brianna said.

This led to her ambition to become a singer-songwriter” “I got a guitar when I was 12 and started writing. That’s what I really wanted to do.”

A talent scout who discovered her through her music got her to join a contest sponsored by the International Models And Talent Association (IMTA) in Los Angeles.

When she won, this gave her the opportunity to move and study there.

Brianna Hildebrand: The Hollywood discovery

In LA, she took up acting classes. It took a while for her to adapt, especially after her father went back home after accompanying her.

“When I got to LA, it was a pretty big culture shock. It was really frightening,” she told Independent.

She added, “If I hadn’t been in acting class every day, I probably would have been a lot more lost and overwhelmed here. It was difficult at first.”

While her first appearance was in the web series Annie Undocumented (which was named best web series at the 2014 New York TV Festival), her first professional stint was being cast in Deadpool in 2014.

Brianna went to the audition with her hair already shaved, despite the role not requiring the hairstyle. It was the hair– and the attitude– that clinched the deal for her.

“I put the audition on tape; they ended up liking it. I got a callback and went in the second time and met [director] Tim [Miller] and everyone. It was pretty simple,” she said.

Brianna Hildebrand: Out in reel and real life

While she was shooting Deadpool in Vancouver, she auditioned for First Girl I Loved, a teen drama about high school softball star player in a relationship with the gawky editor of the school yearbook.

“It resonated so closely to me so I was excited about it,” she said. “I hadn’t seen a film that has shown queer kids during their confused times.”

It was while filming this movie that she first met her current girlfriend, who was working on the set in the art department.

“It took me a long time, not necessarily to come out, but to understand how I was feeling. It wasn’t planned for me to come out with First Girl or anything,” she explained.

Since then, she had been asked to make a video of her experience by the It Gets Better Project. She said: “I am glad that I am public about it and I think I should be.”

Check out the trailer below for First Girl I Loved.

You can also view below Brianna’s video for It Gets Better.

Her latest movie, Deadpool 2, is currently showing in theaters.

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