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July 2016 Femastrology

July 2016 Femastrology

07 July Femastrology - Cancer

July comes in with an exciting New Moon, Mars Direct, and a much better dance card in general! The New Moon at 12 degrees Cancer on July 4, 2016, is accompanied by a number of positive watery planetary connections. Each New Moon is a unique cosmic fingerprint and a chance to “reboot” our consciousness in some special way. The element of Water symbolizes emotion, the psyche, creativity, and healing. This New Moon can open the doorway to these parts of your life.

The Sun and Moon in Cancer will trine Neptune on this New Moon, enhancing all aspects of intuition, creativity, love, and healing. Venus, the planet of love, also in Cancer on the July 4, and is heading for a sexy, romantic trine with Mars, the planet of desire, in Scorpio. This is a good day for single people to create a positive intention to manifest a relationship.

The New Moon has a special significance for the nited States, as it falls on this country’s “birthday.” This could stimulate some positive changes in the political arena. Since Cancer is a sign associated with patriotism, perhaps some more positive examples of this principle will come forth in the weeks to come.

A bit of drama will come up around July 5th and 6th as the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. This could heighten power struggles, both personally and globally. Things may come to a head in situations that need to transform. So let them! Peaceful solutions to problems are always available to those who seek them.

Mars has been retrograde since April of this year and has spawned all kinds of difficulty. Finally, Mars is direct and the energy will begin to shift. This favors new starts, businesses, projects, and ideas. Diplomacy and negotiations will tend to go more favorably. Problems that have cropped up over the last few months will be easier to solve. And I say hallelujah to that!!!

Watery energy gives way to energetic, exciting Fire by midmonth. Things will speed up even more when Mars goes from Scorpio into Sagittarius this August.

There’s a Full Moon at 27 degrees Capricorn on July 19, 2016. Once again, Water is a key theme, with a waning trine between the Sun in Cancer, Mars in Scorpio, and Chiron (the wounded healer) in Pisces. Use the energy of this Full Moon to balance your outer world with your inner needs.

Look for ways to honor your creative side in your everyday life. This is a chance to gain a deeper understanding of your family ties, and how these patterns affect your public life.

Astro-Opportunity Days: July 4, 9, 16, 17, 19, and 23

To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy

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