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July Femastrology 2019

Cancer 2019

By Astrologer and Psychic Victoria Bearden

July 2019 is going to be a real show-stopper. And I mean that literally. There’s a major slow-down and reorganization of energy this month, with two powerful eclipses and Mercury Retrograde. Forging ahead may be extra challenging, but realizations you have during July will be invaluable when you look at your “big picture” plans for the rest of the year, and beyond. Patience and a calm attitude will go a long way in the weeks to come.

Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are still besties, and the major lessons for humanity continue to unfold. As I’ve mentioned before, the main themes are power, the abuse of power, and accountability. Both eclipses in July will activate the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, so we’ll see some impactful events out in the world, and in our personal lives as well. People who have been hiding behind their money, fame, and position will continue to fall from grace as 2019 continues. When Saturn/Pluto conjunctions occur, the world experiences extreme cultural and territorial shifts that have strong ramifications for decades to come. In our own lives, we are being given the opportunity to get down to brass tacks regarding our deepest needs and feelings. This is not the time to hide your head in the sand. Instead, when challenges arise, this is the perfect time to be decisive. If your life has become stuck in some area, you will most likely see it in the strongest of ways this year. And the answers you need are within reach now, if you are willing to admit the problem, and take action.

Mercury, the planet of communication, travel, and technology, is going into its second retrograde cycle of 2019. Mercury will turn retrograde on July 7, 2019 at 04° Leo and then turn direct on July 31. With a New Moon Eclipse in Cancer on July 2, 2019 so close to Mercury Retrograde, you can expect some major turnarounds and reversals. Things will be swirling, so put a note on your calendar to stay grounded. It’s a good idea to check and double check all of your appointments and obligations during these big planetary shifts.

With Mercury Retrograde, travel, contracts, and major purchases can be tricky. The best advice is: don’t do anything you can’t undo later. It’s usually not the best time to start new projects or launch business ventures. It’s more of a review session. If you can opt out of major decision-making until August, that would be better. But don’t freak out. Not every Mercury Retrograde will be difficult. Often, there are positive and unexpected connections with people from the past. It’s a great time to research and analyze. And sometimes, problems you’ve been working on for a while finally get solved. Don’t avoid doing what you need to do. Just be more conscious about it. Mercury Retrograde is not an excuse to hide or procrastinate. And if things go a little wonky, just be patient and methodical and you’ll get through it.

Here’s the run down on this Mercury Retrograde Cycle:
1. Mercury Retrograde Shadow #1 started on June 20, 2019. Not strong, but noticeable.
2. Mercury Retrograde is official on July 7, 2019. Now it’s for real.
3. Mercury Retrograde Storm #1 runs from July 3 thru 12, 2019. This can be challenging.
4. Mercury goes Direct on July 31, 2019. Way better, but still somewhat unpredictable.
5. Mercury Retrograde Storm #2 runs from July 28 thru August 5, 2019. Still a bit intense.
6. Mercury Retrograde Shadow #2 runs from August 6 thru 15, 2019. This is just the clean-up phase. No worries.

There’s a New Moon at 10° Cancer on July 2, 2019, and Solar Eclipse, an auspicious day to set intentions. New Moons are like a clean black board where we can formulate a new strategy for the coming month. Eclipses always give the Wheel of Fortune a big and powerful spin. The energy for this Moon will be very potent, as the Sun, Moon, and North Node will oppose Saturn, Pluto and the South Node. This is strong medicine. You may get some profound insight about your home and family. You may also get some wake-up calls and revelations about your living situation and financial stability. Whatever happens, pay attention. Even if eclipses go by without major incident, it’s still a game changer. Subterranean energies are shifting and will have an impact on future plans. Be mindful and watch for the signs and symbols that will help you see what you need to see, and do what you need to do. Don’t run away from problems. These planetary periods give us an opportunity to tap into our higher selves and make good choices, even under pressure.

There’s a Full Moon at 24° Capricorn on July 16, 2019. It is also a Partial Lunar Eclipse. Once again, the Sun, Moon, and Nodes line up with Saturn and Pluto, and fateful events are revealed and instigated. The themes of this Moon are loyalty, bonds, and responsibilities. There will be tests and tribulations, but they will help you see your true path, if you have gone astray. If you happen to be a Capricorn born between January 8-12, this will be a very important month for you. A patient, mature attitude will be of great value.

Opportunity Days: July 4, 10, 11, 18, 21, 22, 26, and 31

To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.

Want to read more from Victoria or get a personal reading? Check out her website here.

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