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June 2015 Femastrology

June 2015 Femastrology

gemini-1We start the month off with a Full Moon in fiery, exciting Sagittarius on June 2, 2015 at 9:19 AM Pacific Time. And it could be quite unpredictable on the day of the Full Moon, as she will oppose Mars in Gemini in the afternoon. This can make people extremely excitable, for better or worse. And with Mercury in Gemini still Retrograde, issues connected to communication, transportation and technology could become pretty messed up! This energy won’t last long but it could pack quite a punch. So enjoy the creative energy wave (particularly in the evening) but keep your wits about you, as disruptive events are very likely.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty and art, enters Leo on June 6, 2015, ramping up romance and creativity in a BIG way. Of course, if you are a Leo it’s even better as you already have Jupiter in Leo bringing in all kinds of great opportunities. Must be nice! Still, there is enough for everyone, with positive vibrations from Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in fire stirring up and igniting the possibilities for love, abundance and new starts.

The one fly in the ointment has to be Mercury Retrograde. Missed appointments, poor communication, inaccurate data, failed equipment, car problems and all manner of mess ups abound! Mercury will go direct on June 11, so things will begin to straighten out after that time but give it a week or so to catch up with itself! These cycles, which happen 3 times a year, are not always the pits but can be extremely challenging, so patience, patience, patience! Realize that others may be even more scrambled than you and try to be the “calm” one if possible. On the upside of things, often you will get insight and possible help relating to past unsolved issues.

Other notable events in June include the New Moon in Gemini on June 16, and Summer Solstice on June 21.

Astro-Opportunity Dates in June: 2, 3, 6, 7,9, 13, 18, 29, and 30

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