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Lesbian gift guide: Tips on finding the perfect holiday gift

Lesbian gift guide: Tips on finding the perfect holiday gift

Exchanging gifts with the people we love makes the holidays the most wonderful time of the year. But for some, shopping for gifts can be very stressful. Well, it shouldn’t be, if you know where to start and what to do. And so we came up with a lesbian gift guide to help you easily find the perfect gift for your girlfriend and loved ones this holiday.

Things to remember when choosing a lesbian gift

The art of gift-giving isn’t really complicated, but it isn’t just about giving something to someone. The time and effort you put into it, and the meaning and intention behind it, make a gift momentous.

Lesbian gift tip #1: Don’t focus on “lesbian”

Lesbian gift tip #1: Don’t focus on “lesbian”

Primarily think of the person and not her gender role or sexual preference. Don’t buy anything just because it screams lesbian even though it’s essentially useless.

For example, you want to get “hers-and-hers” items like couple shirts, mugs, and pillows? Save that for Valentines.

Lesbian gift tip #2: What about the person?

Make a list of what you know about her and the things that define her (or do some stalking to find out more). It will be easier to think of items to match with what you have on your list and she will definitely appreciate how personal and well thought of your gift is.

List her interests, hobbies, sports, and recreational activities. Is she a bookworm? Maybe you can get her a hardbound copy of her favorite series. Is she into cycling? She will definitely appreciate any bike essentials and cycling gear.

List her recent life events or milestones. Did she just get promoted? She’d probably need some new items to use for her new role in the office. Did she just transfer houses? Find out what house item she needs but hadn’t had the time to buy.

List the gadgets she uses and take note of their brands. Does she have a mobile phone, tablet, and/or laptop? There are loads of accessories you can buy for her gadgets from portable keyboards to Bluetooth speakers.

Does she seem to have everything and you can’t think of anything else she might need? Then give her something based on her personality type, astrological sign, or birth month. You can also give her charms and items for good luck, good health, and protection.

Lesbian gift tip #3: Include a little bit of yourself

Personalize your gift. Show that not only did you take the time to think of the perfect gift, but also gave the effort to wrap it yourself.

Not the artsy type and can’t even fold paper without tearing it? Then be more creative with handing her the gift. Inside a cake, scavenger hunt style, strangers handing balloons—you’ve seen it done and it turns gift-giving into an experience.

Of course, don’t forget to include a note. It doesn’t have to be a novel of how much you love her, but it should be more than the word love followed by your name. Make it short, sweet, and sincere.

Lesbian gift tip #4: Think outside the box

Your gift doesn’t have to be an object. It can be something intangible. It’s a good opportunity to make her experience new adventures, learn a new skill, enjoy an awesome event or take time off and go on a trip. The best part is, you can make it a “for two” and make it an excuse to get more “us” time with her.

Enroll her in the baking class she had always wanted to take. Get her tickets to the upcoming concert of her favorite band. Take a cruise together. Give her a moment to enjoy life and she’ll definitely remember your gift for a lifetime.

Lesbian gift tip #5: Never sacrifice quality

Aside from getting a gift based on its usefulness, also choose one with good quality. You’ll see a lot of lesbian gift items online at a cheap price and you might be tempted by how convenient online shopping is, but remember that you can never be sure of the quality of those items. Remember, you want to give your loved ones a gift that would last and you want them to feel that they only deserve the best.

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