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Who’s got the look: 4 trendsetter lesbians

Trendsetter lesbians - Ellen DeGeneres

In the fashion world, most of the world’s leading and legendary fashion designers are gays. But with more of us coming out and proud with the attendant media visibility, the world is also looking at trendsetter lesbians now.

These lesbians not only epitomize LGBT pride but also make it look damn good.

Here are four trendsetter lesbians who are trailblazers in fashion in their own way:

Trendsetter lesbians #1: Ellen DeGeneres

Of course, at the top of the list is Ellen DeGeneres.

Nowadays, we figure Ellen can do no wrong as we take lesbian fashion tips as well as cultural references from her.

She makes smart casual look exactly that, even on the red carpet, and she can even pull it off with sneakers.

Ellen bears a fashion sense that’s completely androgynous– or as she would put it, “chapstick lesbian.” It’s neither butch nor femme but hovering perfectly in between.

In her own way, she’s found an impeccable balance between feminine and masculine and she shows this on her personal catwalk on her own talk show.

Trendsetter lesbians #2: Kristen Kish

Kristen Kish is a Top Chef winner and hosts her own chef show called 36 hours.

However, ever since she came out as a lesbian on her Instagram, she’s also has a following for her fashion sense.

Kish defines calmness through her clothes. As Marcie Bianco of After Ellen describes it: “sophisticated and tailored, but not overdone.”

She also carries those wonderful tattoos quite well.

Trendsetter lesbians #3: Kate Moennig

The L Word has been off the air for over a decade and yet nobody can seem to live down the archetype that Kate Moennig brought to her character, Shane.

Moennig–through Shane– was the rebel without a cause, both sinner and saint, and a passionate fool deep down all wrapped in one character. These descriptions also defined her fashion.

Just like Ellen, she perfected the balance between masculine and feminine. But with Shane (or Kate), there’s something dark and dangerous about her fashion sense.

Her look was disheveled, denims-oriented, bargain bin t-shirts. You know you’re not supposed to fall but you let yourself go anyway.

Trendsetter lesbians #4: Robin Roberts

Before, there was always something about Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts that you couldn’t pinpoint. You know that she was cool, but she was more than that.

Then she came out, and that more or less answered all our questions. That’s why it’s no surprise that Roberts was on the “Most Stylish New Yorkers of 2013.”

Her fashion style was the anchor-woman look: the intelligent, powerful, no-nonsense journalist.

How about you? Do you have a favorite among the trendsetter lesbians in fashion?

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