by Astrologer and Psychic, Victoria Bearden
First of all, big apologies for being AWOL with my last newsletter. The challenges of Pluto in Capricorn had my name on it, and I had to attend to some serious stuff! But I’m back! So, thanks for your patience. I greatly appreciate your readership over years! And I am definitely doing astrology/psychic readings, so if you want insight about what’s up with the rest of this wild year, get in touch.
As we head into March, our awareness and sensitivity deepen as the Sun moves through watery Pisces. This month the planets are set up in ways that can help us gain intuitive insight into problems that have defied our logical minds. It’s time to remind ourselves to walk our spiritual talk and express our mindfulness, compassion, and positivity in our everyday lives. Current planetary energy is a gateway to the healing of the highest order and will stimulate great compassion, both for others and for ourselves. Give more and be open to receiving. Show others you care, and don’t be afraid to ask others to care about you, particularly if you are in need. The psychic side will be heightened and you might experience more synchronicity than usual. Pay attention to the signs and symbols around you and learn to trust you’re your gut more, not less. We all have the ability for inner knowing, we just tend to second guess it way too much!
The sign of the Fishes helps us open up to all things creative and beautiful. Indulge your spirit by either making art and music or experiencing it. The artists among you will find this month incredibly inspiring, so dive into your projects and make sure to share them with others. The beginning of 2022 has been challenging. Our collective spirit needs to be revived. We can find hope and strength by reaching towards our higher nature, and what better way to do that than by connecting to joyful expression. Reach out to people and find inventive ways to share. This is not time to be isolated. Pisces also shows us that’s it’s okay not to be serious. Embrace your funny side and get in touch with your inner goofball. We must all find more ways to lift each other up. Being lighthearted and humorous has a wonderful effect on others. The transition period in March between Pisces and Aries is also related to love and romance. Open up your heart and let your love shine out. Those looking for love could be quite lucky now, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.
Pisces planets offer lots of blessings, but the heightened sensitivity can also be overwhelming. Empathic types are doubly impacted, as there is A LOT of emotion coursing through the airwaves right now! Remember, it’s okay to filter some of it out. But there are important lessons to be learned, too. Look around you and look out into the world. There are many extraordinary events taking place, like the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The ruthless quest for power and control over territory and resources is an offshoot of the Saturn/Pluto Capricorn conjunction that changed our world in 2020. Unfortunately, we will see more of this kind of activity, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be a backlash. We must not look away from these things, but strive to understand, and to be involved in the things we believe in, lest they be torn asunder. So be aware, but don’t get sucked into the void. And remember to fortify your boundaries with others, and make sure you are differentiating between what’s yours and what isn’t. Take it seriously if feel you have absorbed too much of the chaos and retreat when necessary.
All in all, things are poised on the edge of change for the better in many ways. Sure, there’s lots of drama afoot out in the world. But it’s okay to be hopeful. In fact, it’s essential. Things are going to shift a lot this year, and during March we will begin to see more and more signs of better things to come. There will be continuing progress in our understanding and ability to manage life with Covid. Better late than never. It is very likely we will have much more of a sense of freedom from restriction by the time Spring Equinox occurs, which is a great thing to look forward to.
Setting Intentions/Affirmations
Since Pisces energy is such good juju for manifesting, and we are heading towards the Aries Spring Equinox and new beginnings, I thought I’d throw in a little “Vintage Victoria” about setting intentions and creating affirmations. There are lots of ways to do this, but I’m going to give you the simple version. The most important thing is, that you actually do it. It is not that easy to activate your “True Will” without stating it in some way. For this reason, we are often busy manifesting what we DON’T want, rather than owning and activating what we DO want. Always remember, one of the primary laws of Metaphysics is that thoughts are things. And we tend to create that which we focus on. FYI, Pisces is particularly good for intentions related to healing, love, and creating. Aries is good for new projects, business, passion, and increased energy.
1. Come up with a statement that represents your true goal, in the simplest of terms. For example, I want true love and happiness. Or, I want to heal for body, mind, and spirit. Or, I want abundance and prosperity, right now! You get the idea. The simpler the better.
2. Now, take the “want” part out of it, and put the statement into a dynamic, present tense form. For example, I am inviting true love and happiness into my life, now. True love and happiness surround me. My heart is full of true love and happiness! I am a magnet for financial abundance.
3. It’s also important to make sure the statement suggests that what you desire is already part of you and in your life. For example, I embody the spirit of true love and happiness. Or, my soul is in perfect alignment with true love and happiness. I am experiencing healing and increasing my strength in every moment. I am building even greater prosperity and abundance. And of course, be grateful in advance. You must understand that you already possess the energy for the thing you want within you. DO NOT tell yourself otherwise. Of course, you must take steps towards your goal, but the first step is always believing you can attain it, and making it part of your everyday thinking. You’ve got the power if you think you do.
4. This may all sound pretty simple, and it is. But simple is POWERFUL. And WE are powerful. Our minds and spirits are always busy creating, often without our full awareness. But once you become aware of the process, it’s hard to un-see it. Use this as a foundation to reset your path towards the Spring. Take some time to come up with a shortlist of affirmations that can serve to remind you of what you are wishing to create, and put yourself in the mode of creating it now, in the present moment. Do it in a formal way, written down on a nice piece of paper or in a special journal, so you can let the Universe and your Higher Self know you really mean it. And look at your new intentions frequently, so they can become second nature, not just an abstract concept. Good luck! Do it! It works.
US Pluto Return
You’ve heard me talk about this before, but now it’s here. This is a BIG DEAL in every sense. We are truly watching a highly significant period of history unfold before our eyes. Countries have astrology charts, just like people. Pluto takes approximately 248 years to go around the entire wheel of the zodiac. And now, it’s is right back to where it was when the American was born. February 2022 was the pivot point, the flashpoint, and the official start. It is significant that Russia was getting set up to invade Ukraine in February, which indicates it will be a key in a larger chain of world events that will have a big impact on the US and its status as a nation. So as March begins, the US Pluto Return is well underway. Pluto is a great transformer. Patterns and habits that are not for higher goodwill often break down completely under this influence. Will the country become a better version of herself, or a weaker one? Only time will tell, as the true will of the American People plays out in front of the world. The tests will just keep on coming. Pluto has not been in this position since the country was founded, so you know this is going to be karma with a capital “K.” The other “Big Dogs,” China, and Russia, undoubtedly smell blood in the water, so there will be lots of crazy stuff ahead, to be sure.
There has been a lot of foreshadowing of this fateful period over the past few years, and now, with the mid-term elections around the corner, we will begin to see just where all of this is going to be a shakedown. This will be a true test of the country’s strength in the face of major economic and political upheaval and change. Battle lines have already been drawn, but the outcome is not pre-ordained. There are lots of moving parts and let’s not forget the “people factor.” Americans will have to determine what they are willing to put up with, in a sense. So ultimately, it will depend on what the majority of people decide, either actively, or passively. This long-term planetary influence will roll out over the next couple of years, culminating in November of 2024. No coincidence there, as it is a Presidential Election year. And it’s going to be a wild ride. The events of these next few years will have ramifications far, far into the future, and will affect the entire. world in many ways. Suffice it to say, it is important we get this right!
American’s Future success will be linked to key situations that are developing right now, and how the current administration responds to them. Since the Pluto Return affects the US Second House of money, resources, and values, the economy will be central, and there will be volatility. The notion of “values” will also be a big deal. But Pluto is also about power and who wields it, which means people will be willing to use all kinds of rhetoric, even if it’s ludicrous, just to gain the upper hand. The US response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will undoubtedly play a role, as will evolving issues related to China.
Joe Biden is a Scorpio, and Scorpio’s contemporary planetary ruler is Pluto, so it makes sense he would be presiding over this cycle. Will he be an agent of Pluto and assist America is rising like a Phoenix? Or will he unwittingly create more of the breakdown? Only time will tell. Fate is a funny thing. Biden’s chart is also set up in a very similar fashion to the astrology chart of America, both having Sagittarius Rising. So, like it or not, what happens to Joe happens to Americans and vice versa in some ways. This is a good reason to wish him the best, even if he wasn’t yours in the last election. Interestingly, Xi Jinping is a Gemini, and Vladimir Putin is a Libra, both Air Signs. Will they start to get more chummy? Guess we’ll see.
Pluto often takes things away before replacing them, which is a bit scary. This will be apparent as we attempt to hold on to structures that will endure, release the ones that are broken, and try to come up with a plan on the fly. And there are a plethora of disintegrating structures, for sure. And so, the Grand Experiment will be pushed into its next phase. As this incredible period unfolds, the very nature of the US form of government will be challenged, and potentially even altered. Suffice it to say, there will be drama, there will be power plays, and there will be change. Things never stay the same under the influence of Pluto. If you are interested in creating a good outcome, don’t be apathetic about your government right now. As I always like to remind people, the future is not set in stone. Our thoughts, votes, and decisions matter. I will be giving more predictions about this as the months go on. Stay tuned.
All the Planets are Direct
As is usually the case this time of year, all the planets are direct! No retrogrades. Yay! So, take advantage of it. This is really going to feel like a breath of fresh air after all the retrograde action from the last couple of months! This will really help get the show on the road with your goals and plans. Even things that totally tanked during the first couple of months of the year have a chance now, so don’t be afraid to try again.
There’s a New Moon at 12° Pisces, March 2, 2022, at 9:34 AM, PST. This is a really nice one and will help us get the energy set right for the new month. There’s a beautiful alignment with the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter in Pisces, bringing forth a powerful space for everything related to healing, advancement, hope, and spiritual insight. Magic and intention setting to heal the body, mind, and spirit will be potent on this New Moon. The Pisces planets make a positive sextile to Uranus in Taurus, helping us to activate positive energy towards healing and creating abundance. Mars and Venus align with Pluto, bringing the male and female principles into sync with the energy of transformation. This can help us to get much more connected to both what we strongly desire (Mars) and what we love the most (Venus.)
Spring Equinox falls on March 20, 2022. The Sun goes into Fire Sign Aries and a new season begins. Aries sends a powerful burst of energy to the positive side of the ego and could serve to jumpstart your life in the right direction. Dare to be bold. Use this seasonal change to push yourself and become more active. The natural world is awakening, and we are part of that natural world. Equinox stands for the equal length of day and night, but now the days will get longer and the light will increase. Symbolically, this is a time of renewal and optimism, both of which we need more than ever, after a challenging Winter. It’s the holy day of the Goddess Ostara, who is very much like Mother Nature herself. This is the celebration of life, light, rebirth, and fertility. Ancient Goddess symbols, such as eggs, bunnies, and flowers abound. It’s not a coincidence that Easter sounds like Ostara, or Eostre, as they are of the same origin, that name of the pre-Christian Goddess. The notion of “Spring Cleaning” is linked to rituals connected to this cycle, so if you feel inspired, get busy! Clear, clean, purge and refresh your personal space. And don’t forget your headspace, while you’re at it. Spiritual people all over the world will be celebrating this sacred day, so please join in spirit, or find a ritual to join with Online or a live event, such as an outdoor fire circle. If you have an altar, make sure to put lots of flowers, nature symbols, and crystals on it. And you’ve got to dye eggs! It’s mandatory. The Ukrainian Easter Eggs tradition was also done to “keep evil in chains,” which always comes in handy. And don’t forget to create a list of intentions and affirmations for the new season!
There’s a Full Moon at 27° Virgo on March 18, 2022, at 12:17 AM, PDT. There’s a nice lineup of Pisces planets, with Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, and the Sun all in a row. This should keep the spirit of compassion and creativity in the forefront and greatly empower healing vibrations. The Sun in Pisces is fairly close to Pisces’ ruler, Neptune, opposing the Virgo Full Moon, which gives this moon a decidedly mystical quality, where body and soul can resonate together fully. This is also amazing for pure creativity. The Pisces/Virgo polarity is always about healing the body, mind, and spirit. The Sun and Moon both make positive aspects to powerful Pluto, energizing our ability to transform ourselves through our own inner powers of healing and regeneration. Intention setting and magic related to healing, and bringing divine order into our worldly affairs will be highly effective.
There’s a New Moon at 11° Aries, March 31, 2022, at 11:24 PM, PST. Yep, we got a two-for-one deal with another New Moon in March. New Moons represent new beginnings and a cosmic “clean slate,” so it’s nice when we get a particularly good one. And this one is important, with a strong lineup in fiery Aries leading the charge. Mercury, the messenger, is very close to the Sun and New Moon, bringing in new information that will lead to potential breakthroughs in our understanding of important matters. This is also excellent for beginning new projects and brainstorming. Mystical Jupiter in Pisces aligns with Pisces’ ruling planet Neptune bringing forth immense spiritual inspiration and healing galore. This represents a kind of “portal” where we can reach into the Spirit World and pull in the knowledge and energy we need for our most important needs. This is magical, inspirational, and definitely a doorway to higher wisdom, so use it for something special. The Jupiter/Neptune factor could be related to some kind of unusual weather or natural events dealing with water or the sea. Mars, Saturn, and Venus are in close proximity to Aquarius, bringing in a good dose of logic and enhancing our ability to communicate and connect with others, rounding out the field in a balanced way. And Pluto is finally not really doing anything to anyone, which is a good thing. I personally have had it, Pluto, in Capricorn for a while. Enough with the transformation already! We need less drama for a while! So, use this New Moon to further your own agenda and keep the Spring Cycle going in the right direction.
Opportunity Days: March 2, 8, 22, 28, 29, and 30
To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.
Want to read more from Victoria or get a personal reading? Check out her website here.