Taurus May 2019

May Femastrology 2019

By Astrologer and Psychic, Victoria Bearden

May begins with a powerful blend of Fire and Earth. Mercury, the planet of communication, joins Venus, the planet of emotion, in volatile, inspirational Aries. The Sun in Taurus along with a New Moon on May 4th will help steady things and give us a much-needed anchor for all that high energy. Taurus is supportive of work and productivity, but also akin to love, beauty, and pleasure. This month’s emphasis in Taurus can help us see the value in working hard so we can have the good things in life. By mid-month Venus will enter Taurus, which will be absolutely lovely for creativity, romance, and money! The Sun in Taurus will help us make peace with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, which have been hard task-masters all year long. The trine between Taurus and Capricorn will allow us to see the pathways to greater success. All in all, May should be a month of progress and rewards for work already done.

Mars in Gemini opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius during the first week of May, which could cause some fireworks. Mars is the God of War, and Jupiter represents expansion and opportunity. There is great potential here, as it could signify a huge win in war, sports, or politics. Although it’s a wild card, it’s still considered one of the most fortunate kinds of oppositions. The hidden danger is the temptation to go “all in” when it might be way too risky. The tendency to over-estimate your abilities or over-shoot the target is big. The other potential of this capricious combo is an increase in extremism, fanaticism, and zealotry. In the contentious climate in which we live, this could be a real problem. FYI, May 5 and 6 will be the strongest days for this influence. Certainly, you can use this for something positive and inspirational, which is the best avenue of expression for this extraordinary force.

Saturn in Capricorn went Retrograde on Monday, April 29, 2019, and will remain so until this coming September. This will release a little of the tension of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, which will be somewhat of a relief, particularly if you were born under the sign of the Goat Fish. Some say it is a chance to sort out our karmic debts and gain powerful insight about past problems, which can lead to release. Sounds good to me!

There’s a New Moon at 14° Taurus on May 4, 2019, so get ready to set the stage for new projects and activities. The New Moon is the best time of month to tune in and get ready for things to come. The New Moon energy supports planning and preparation. It’s a perfect day for restorative activities, such as meditation or yoga. The Taurus New Moon can get us in tune with Mother Earth and our physical connection to nature. This is a favorable time for bodywork or other health promoting therapy. Setting intentions about love, health, and abundance will be particularly potent. The quiet, powerful nature of the New Moon in Taurus will help offset some of the intensity of the Mars/Jupiter opposition.

There’s a Full Moon at 27° Scorpio on May 18, 2019. The Scorpio Full Moon always brings up deep and powerful emotions. Fate seems particularly active under this influence, as we are subconsciously guided to our karmic lessons. Scorpio is strongly intuitive, so this Full Moon opens a big portal to psychic insight and spirit communication. Use this vibration to explore mysteries, uncover truth, and reach the deep levels of your psyche. With Mercury, the messenger, in the mix, expect to get important communications around this time. Pay attention to your hunches and impressions, as intuition is enhanced. With emotional Venus conjunct unpredictable Uranus during the Full Moon, feelings will be running high, so try to keep an even keel if others seem to want to start a fight.

The Sun enters Air Sign Gemini on May 21, 2019. Gemini is quick-silver and changes come about more rapidly. Communication increases and your options and choices will open up.

Opportunity Days: May 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 20, 21, 24, and 27

To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.

Want to read more from Victoria or get a personal reading? Check out her website here.

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