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November 2016 Femastrology

11 November Femastrology - ScorpioIn November the Sun travels through the magnetic, mysterious, and magical Sign of Scorpio, eventually giving way to jovial Sagittarius on November 22, 2016.

With Scorpio’s connection to the death, the afterlife, and transformation, it’s not surprising the Day of the Dead and All Soul’s Day are celebrated at the beginning of this month.

Scorpio energy is useful for delving into research, discovering secrets, healing, therapy, and detective work. It’s also pretty sexy!

Scorpios are known to “take no prisoners” on the battlefield, or in the bedroom! For the first time in 2016 we have a month that has less planetary tension! Whew, we could use a break, right?

Finally, after a couple of years’ worth of mayhem, Saturn in Sagittarius has stopped squaring Neptune in Pisces, allowing us to start making some real progress progress towards our goals and dreams.

Uranus in Aries is not squaring Pluto in Capricorn either, after almost 5 years of over-the-top tension and challenge. That’s a WOW folks.

There are still a lot of problems to solve from all of that, both globally, and personally, for sure. But at least we can get some traction under our boots now!

There’s a Full Moon at 22 degrees Taurus on November 14, 2016, and it’s a Big One, literally! This Super Moon will be the closest to the Earth until 2034.

The Taurus/Scorpio axis of this moon can help bring our emotions and bodies back into sync. The Healing Vibration is emphasized with both the Sun and Moon in aspect to Chiron in Pisces.

This Full Moon could easily stimulate some earthquake activity.

Neptune in Pisces goes direct on November 19, stimulating faith, healing, compassion, and creativity.

Jupiter squares Pluto on November 24, encouraging us to Let Go of things that we truly do not need. And we have a New Moon at 7 degrees Sagittarius on November 29 to help us clear our minds and create space for a prosperous winter cycle.

FYI: Get as much done during November as possible, as the last Mercury Retrograde of 2016 is coming in for a landing in December.

That’s right! Mercury will turn retrograde in Capricorn in mid-December folks, so get your car tuned up, your computers, devices, and phones in working order, and make any important purchases and commitments. NO commitments NOW, if possible.

Opportunity Dates: November 2, 3, 13, 14, 18, 29 and 30

To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.

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