By Astrologer and Psychic Victoria Bearden
November starts off with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. This can be both a blessing and curse. Things tend to slip between the cracks more. Missed appointments, lost phones, and botched communication seem to be the order of the day. People frequently hold their feelings in and have trouble expressing them clearly. On the positive side, important matters from the past tend to come to light. And people from the past often show up, out of the blue, giving us insight about our lessons in life. Scorpio represents things of a deep and sometimes hidden nature and secrets are frequently revealed during these cycles.
Mercury Retrograde will be a big factor for the first 3 weeks of the month, turning direct on November 20, 2019. Be mindful of important communication, particularly anything you put in writing. It is sometimes better to hold off on major decisions and purchases. A patient, calm, and focused attitude is usually all you need to get you through it. You can expect smoother sailing shortly after November 20th.
Mercury will make a rare Transit of the Sun on November 11, 2019. This transit occurs when Mercury passes directly in front of the Sun and can been seen through telescopes with solar filers. It appears as a small black dot crossing the sun’s face. Since Mercury is retrograde, we are being given an opportunity to look back upon important events from our past. The conjunction with the Sun sheds light on things that may have been hidden or buried in our subconscious minds. This unique planetary event will undoubtedly be revealing and enlightening. Pay attention to any important information that surfaces around this date, as it could have great significance. Check local listings for your area to see when you can watch the event online.
There’s a Full Moon at 19° Taurus on November 12, 2019. Full Moons represent a culmination of the energy that has built up during the period since the New Moon. It is a high point, when our emotions and awareness are accentuated. This Full Moon will have a special significance, coming just a day after Mercury’s transit of the Sun. Taurus relates to our physical experience, while Scorpio relates to our emotional experience. During this Full Moon you will see clearly how your thoughts and feelings affect your body. This is a brilliant opportunity to put the Law of Attraction to work. Focus on positive thoughts relating to your emotional and physical reality. Taurus supports affirmations about healing and abundance. Scorpio supports transformation, karmic release, and clearing.
The Sun enters Fire Sign Sagittarius on November 22, 2019. This will be exhilarating, coming in just after Mercury goes direct. Now you can get moving with plans that may have gotten waylaid earlier in the month.
There’s a New Moon at 04° Sagittarius on November 26, 2019. The Dark of the Moon is a time of new beginnings. Take a little time to tune in to your inner reality. Sagittarius is linked to inspiration and the higher mind. You will get a lot from meditation and other spiritual pursuits today. This is a great day to find your center and get grounded just in time for Thanksgiving!
Opportunity Days: November 7, 12, 21, 23, and 28
To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.
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