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October 2016 Femastrology

October Femastrology 2016 Libra

10 October Femastrology - LibraMars has entered the sign of Capricorn, which is good news for everyone wanting to make some headway with work and projects this October. Mercury direct in Virgo will serve as additional motivation to get down to business. The first week of the month will be great for productivity and new starts.

Mars in Capricorn squares Jupiter in Libra on October 5, 2016, which could push some people jump into things without caution. If you feel like taking a big risk around this time, at least take a few deep breathes beforehand, so you can check to see if you know what you are doing! From October 3-9 the tendency to be pushy and impulsive may muddy up the waters, even if your intentions are good.

There’s a Full Moon in Aries on October 15, 2016 at 9:23pm Pacific Time, and it will come in with a bang! Uranus in Aries will be in alignment with this Full Moon, opposite the Sun in Libra, which is a wild, unpredictable, and potentially volatile combination! Expect the unexpected is putting it mildly. This could also be exciting and super creative energy, but it is a bit like nitroglycerin…it has its uses, but if you shake it up a little too much, KABOOM. This planetary energy could certainly spark some hot-headed reactions and even violence, so make sure to keep your wits about you. Be the agent of peace and the voice of reason whenever possible, and this goes double around the weekend of October 15 and 16!

Venus goes into happy-go-luck Sagittarius on October 18, which should bring excitement into the romance department. People will feel more like taking a chance with romance under this vibration, so if you feel like jumping into the dating pool, this would be a good month to do so. It could also prompt some to get “more serious” about an existing relationship.

News Flash! Mars will line up with Pluto (in Capricorn) on October 19, 2016. This powerful influence may be felt a few days before and after the actual date. Mars is the God of War and Pluto is the God of the Underworld. So, what happens when those do hook up? Well, let’s just say it isn’t always pretty. Don’t expect peace and harmony to rule the day. Be aware that people will be very, very interested in getting their own way and willing to be forceful about doing so. Choose your battles. Or better yet, sit on the sidelines and lay low, while others fight it out. Certainly, there may be some drama in world news around this time. In your personal life, try to keep a level head, and avoid going off the deep end in anger…you may regret it later. On the other hand, if you must put an enormous amount of energy into something for the higher good at this time, you will certainly have plenty of energy to fuel your goal. Just be aware that others who may oppose you will feel equally motivated.

The Sun goes into Scorpio on October 22, 2016, which will give things a more serious tone. Scorpio energy is great for getting to the heart of what’s really going on. Then Mars squares Uranus, another volatile, intense, and potentially explosive vibration, leading up to the New Moon in Scorpio on October 30, 2016. Many things will come to a head. Secrets will be exposed. People may lose their cool. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem whenever possible! If anything, the end of October will not be boring!

The New Moon in Scorpio on October 30, 2016 will open the doorway to all things magical, mystical, and sacred, just in time for Halloween (Samhain) and Day of the Dead.

Opportunity Days: October 2, 3, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22, and 23

What’s in the Stars:
Hillary Clinton will be our next President. I base my prediction solely on unbiased, astrological analysis

To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.


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