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September 2017 Femastrology

09 September Femastrology - VirgoSeptember 2017 begins with a little turbulence. Mercury, The Planet of Communication, is still Retrograde and is lined up with feisty, aggressive Mars! This volatile Mars/Mercury combo started popping up in June and will continue to show up periodically through September.

But right now, Mercury is still Retrograde, which makes it much more complicated! Accidents, anger, and disruptive events could come up. People will be nervous and anxious. Keep your cool and slow things down. A calm attitude will help a lot! As the month unfolds, it should level out.

The Sun and other planets in rational Earth Sign Virgo will help. Mercury goes Direct on September 5, 2017, opening the door to progress! Yippee! August 2017 was fraught with drama and challenge, with Mercury Retro plus two Eclipses. Anything important that came up around the Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun on August 21, 2017, will
continue to roll out over the next 6 months. This should prove fascinating, both personally and
globally. Things will continue to get clearer and clearer.

Mercury just so happens to go Direct on the exact degree of the August Solar Eclipse at 28° Leo. This a symbol of fateful communication. Stay Positive and work diligently to release blocked and negative thoughts. Pay close attention to what you are learning now and what others are saying to you. Things could be revealed that will be truly enlightening. Mercury Direct is a groovy thing, but there is still a touch of chaos left for the first week of September, before things begin to get “back to normal.” So be patient and pace yourself. Things will stabilize as the month progresses.

There’s a Full Moon at 13° Pisces on September 6, 2017, at 12:02 am PDT, immediately following Mercury Direct. The Emotional and Psychic Pisces Full Moon will line up with Neptune. This is a truly “cosmic” influence, related to Spirituality, Healing, and Insight. Creative energy and compassion are heightened. The only problem with the Moon/Neptune combination is the tendency to “space out.” If you have to do anything that requires a high degree of skill, dexterity, and concentration, it might be more of a challenge. The Virgo/Pisces polarity helps us
find ways to bring our dreams and imagination into reality. Sometimes, we also come face to face with our illusions during this influence. This can be painful, but leads to truth and liberation.

There’s a New Moon at 27° Virgo on September 19, 2017, at 10:29 pm PDT. The New Moon is always a good time to tune in to your inner rhythm and recharge your body, mind, and spirit.

Quiet, meditative activities are favored. With Mercury and Mars opposing Neptune on this day, there might be confusion or hurt feelings over critical words. Try to be the voice of reason and peacekeeper if possible, or simply deflect incoming negativity before it strikes!

Autumn Equinox falls on September 22, 2017, at 1:02 pm PDT. This marks the beginning of a new Seasonal Cycle as the Sun goes into the Air Sign Libra. Libra is all about relationships. This includes our relationship with our True Self. Get into the Libra Groove! Make peace with yourself and reach out to others in the spirit of cooperation.

The Autumn Cycle is also about work and productivity, as we gather up our resources before Winter. It is time to clear worn out structures, and release what is no longer needed. On the autumnal equinox, many pagans celebrate Mabon as one of the eight Sabbats (a celebration based on the cycles of the sun). Mabon celebrates the second harvest and the start of winter preparations. It is the time to respect the impending dark while giving thanks to the sunlight.

Donald Trump continues to be the center of controversy, as Mercury Retrograde and Mars in Leo line up with his Mars and Ascendant as September begins. Mercury Retrograde opens the door for great difficulty with any kind of communication and Mars, the God of War, sparks aggression and dominance. With the continuing influence of Saturn blocking Trump’s path, things do not look easy for the President. Some say his karma is finally catching up with him. We should probably wish him luck, after all, he’s at the helm. The Solar Eclipse was a strong influence on
the President, and many powerful changes will continue to unfold in the Trump Whitehouse, and
in the USA. Seat belts buckled.

Opportunity Days: September 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, and 27

To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click here to order this month’s copy.

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