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Who’s In Your Shorts? Make It TomboyX!

whitejeansWalk into any clothing store, on one side you see clothes for men – neutral tones, classic style, comfortable fit. On the other side, women’s wear – an explosion of color, ruffles, frills, skinny jeans and dresses.

But who is covering the in-between? You know. The tomboys. The white space between clothes for men and those frilly women’s clothes. Count us in – that’s what TomboyX aims to fill.

Classic, cool clothing that is menswear inspired but made for women. Designed by tomboys, for tomboys.

Started by Fran Dunaway and Naomi Gonzalez, TomboyX has a mission to provide clothing that fits a woman’s body while not fitting the norm of women’s clothing. Whether you are a tomboy, all day, every day or just when the mood strikes you, you will find TomboyX clothes just what you need, when you need it!

If Amelia Earhart or Katherine Hepburn were alive today, TomboyX is exactly what they would be looking for and we, here at LesbianNews, are helping tomboys everywhere!

Find Tomboy X in our February Shopping Guide. Download it here and express your tomboy self, today!


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