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BBC and Stonewall

The British news outlet BBC has withdrawn from an LGBTQ diversity program run by Stonewall to avoid being seen as "biased."

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Melissa Etheridge - Pulse

Singer/song-writer Melissa Etheridge was so affected by the senseless tragedy of the Orlando shooting that she wrote a song called 'Pulse.'


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Pura Luna Wholeness Center

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Long Beach Law
Uptown Gay & Lesbian Alliance
LN Exclusive

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LGBTQ+ History
Homosexuality as mental illness

When feelings of attraction to the same sex was regarded as a mental illness back then, lesbians and gays were subjected to literally shocking treatment..


From the business of movies to food, when Hanan Kattan decides on something, she goes after it with a will-- one business at a time.

Dolly Wilde was the uber-celebrity socialite of the early 20th century, a witty, bon vivant who lived on the legacy of her famous uncle, Oscar Wilde.

WNBA superstar Elena Delle Donne is known for her height and charisma on the court. But it's her love for her family and her partner that motivates her.

From the stage to before the news camera, Jackie Forster made her mark with the public. But it was as a lesbian activist that she created her legacy.


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Healing Armoury

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Self Care

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