While the recent 2018 midterm elections gave us hope, conservative state legislators are doing their best to pass a slew of 2019 anti-LGBT bills.

Equality Act

LGBTQ advocates are hopeful that a comprehensive LGBTQ non-discrimination protection bill, the Equality Act, will soon be pushed in the new Congress.

Russian trolls

Revelations in the investigation of the 2016 presidential election continue, the latest being that Russian trolls had targeted the LGBTQ community.

William Barr

President Donald Trump’s choice for his next Attorney General is William Barr, a former Bush official who's against the LGBTQ community and women.

LGBT voting

An exit poll has shown that LGBT voting was not only strong during the last elections, they supported mainly candidates for the Democratic Party.

LGBT midterm poll winners

One week has passed since the recent US elections and the LGBT community has made historic gains with several LGBT midterm poll winners.

LGBT midterm vote

It's important that the LGBT midterms vote makes its presence felt on November 6 because their lives depend on it. Here are some of the reasons why.

Trump anti-transgender memo

A Trump anti-transgender memo is set to make the biggest rollback against transgender people by defining gender as a biological, unchanging condition.

Gay diplomats

The Trump administration has given a deadline for gay diplomats and employees of the United Nations to marry their same-sex partners or leave the country.

Values Voter Summit - Mike Pence

The Values Voter Summit that occurred over the weekend was a veritable who's who of the religious right, complete with the presence of Vice President Mike Pence.

Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden spoke out against President Donald Trump and his bullying of the LGBT community. at the dinner organized by the Human Rights Campaign.

LGBTQ women candidates

With only a couple of months leading to the November polls, more LGBTQ women candidates are stepping up to fight for the community's rights.

Marsha Wetzel

A US federal appeals court ruled in favor of Marsha Wetzel, who sued a senior living center for not protecting her against harassment from other tenants.

LGBT workplace protections - Supreme Court

Sixteen states want the Supreme Court to overturn a lower court decision that says workplace anti-discrimination laws cover transgender workers as well.

John McCain

Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, who recently passed away, was an opponent in the fight for LGBT equality. But he later became a reluctant advocate.

Rainbow wave

A "rainbow wave" is coming this November, with a record number of LGBT candidates running for office during the 2018 midterm elections.


Under the Trump administration, anti-homophobia is seen as anti-Christian as homophobic discrimination in other countries are viewed as religious freedom.

Gun reform - LGBT

A recent survey has come out detailing the top LGBTQ poll issues for the 2018 midterms elections. At the number one spot of LGBT concerns is: gun reform.

LGBT foster parents

A federal court has ruled that a religious agency can't take taxpayer funds while stopping LGBT foster parents from adopting children.

Brett Kavanaugh

President Donald Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for the US Supreme Court bodes major trouble for the LGBT community given the judge's track record.

Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church seems to be opening up to the LGBT community by using the term "LGBT" for the first time in an official Vatican document.

Labor unions

A recent ruling by the Supreme Court has sent labor unions in the country reeling-- and this has possible effects for LGBT workers.

Youtube anti gay ads

YouTube anti gay ads are currently being run with LGBT video content, making us wonder if the video streaming platform is intentionally jerking our chain.

LGBT recognition

For the second time in two years, President Donald Trump has not given LGBT recognition during Pride Month despite touting himself as an ally of the community.

Nickie Antonio - queer women candidates

Members of the LGBTQ community are taking the fight for equality to the polls-- including a few queer women candidates like Nickie Antonio of Ohio.

Adoption protection

Kansas has recently passed a bill that sets up 'adoption protection' for faith-based adoption agencies, and this targets the LGBTQ community. What does it mean for us?

Mike Pence's hometown

An LGBT high school student successfully set up a pride festival in Vice President Mike Pence's hometown of Columbus, Indiana over the weekend.

anti-LGBT bills

Here's some good news: despite the feeling of doom and gloom in 2018 under the Trump administration, no anti-LGBT bills have been passed yet for this year.

Ban conversion therapy

More areas in the US will now ban conversion therapy against LGBTQ youth, ranging from the state of Washington to the municipality of Milwaukee.

First Amendment Defense Act

Just when you thought the First Amendment Defense Act had been relegated to the dustbin of history, it's back-- and it looks like it's going to be centerpiece of the Trump administration.