Trump immigration ban

National groups fighting for LGBTQ rights said the Trump immigration ban goes against the grain of what the US stands for.

LGBT White House website

Not even a day into the Trump transition and mentions of the LGBT were removed or changed on the website.

LGBT conservatives

In a Trump administration, will LGBT conservatives like Log Cabin Republicans be a factor? More importantly, will they protect our interests-- or their own?

Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions is the man of the hour as President-elect Donald Trump's DOJ nominee is set to face confirmation hearings at the Senate this week.

LGBT progress under Obama administration

Obama dropped hints of his administration's accomplishments like LGBT progress in achieving equality as he prepares his final address before stepping down.


Though President-elect Donald Trump is yet to be sworn in, the Republican-held Congress is set to push the anti-LGBT FADA bill with the support of Trump.

LGBT-friendly states

The HRC has identified LGBT-friendly states for the year 2016, and which states have been targeting the LGBT community with discriminatory legislation.

LGBT response to Trump

With the victory of President-elect Donald Trump, groups are already organizing the LGBT response to Trump and his anti-LGBT administration.

NC Governor Pat McCrory

Incumbent NC Governor Pat McCrory lost his re-election bid as North Carolina voters showed their unhappiness over his support of the anti-LGBT law HB2.

Global LGBT rights

With the anti-LGBT stance of the incoming Trump administration, it's now up to the UN to defend global LGBT rights with their new independent investigator.

San Antonio Four exoneration

Reports of the San Antonio Four exoneration have come out just in time for a happy story this Thanksgiving, as the Texas court ruled in their favor.

Donald Trump's choices for his new administration seems to be a who's who of anti-LGBT appointees, given the track record of these personalities.

UN - LGBT rights watch

A quiet battle was being waged at the UN last week as a group of nations want the newly-created position of LGBT human rights watch blocked.

Trump presidency

With the victory of Republican candidate Donald Trump in the November 8 elections, what can the American LGBT community expect under a Trump presidency?

LGBT and Obama

On the eve of the elections, here's a look back at the progress made by the LGBT and Obama administration in the fight for greater LGBT rights.

Lennie and Pearl - Lesbian vote

The HRC and LPAC are pushing to get the lesbian vote out for Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton in a last-minute drive before November 8.

Donald Trump - LGBT Republican supporters

LGBT Republican supporters like the Log Cabin are in disarray over whether to endorse Republican Party nominee Donald Trump in the presidential elections.

LGBT vote

The LGBT vote will need to make their presence felt again during the November 8 elections to ensure the community will be heard by the next administration.

Indian IRS scam - Internal Revenue Service

Police in India conducted a raid that shut down nine call centers and arrested 70 involved in an Indian IRS scam that cost American taxpayers $47 million.

Transgender rights case

The high court's review of a transgender rights case involving a school and a transgender high school student also involves questions of big government.


US President Barack Obama and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon took up the cudgels once more for LGBT rights worldwide at the UN last week.

parental rights of LGBT parents

A New York court has expanded the parental rights of LGBT parents by allowing visitation and custody of their non-biological or adoptive children.

All-gender restroom bill

California's inclusive all-gender restroom bill covering single-occupancy restrooms only needs the signature of Governor Jerry Brown to become law.

These openly gay Democrat women are vying for Congress

Several lesbian Democrat candidates are running for public office this year. Meet three queer women who want to change the American political landscape.

Caitlyn Jenner - LGBT Republicans

LGBT Republicans do think inclusive progress is being made with the party's platform, but any move to undo this inclusiveness is trying their patience.

DNC platform most progressive in LGBT history

When the Democratic National Convention rolled into Philadelphia last Sunday, it showed a Democrat platform that is the most progressive in LGBT history.

LGBT hate crimes

An investigative report by Reuters noted that attacks against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders are not being reported as hate crimes.

LGBT community and Brexit

What does it mean for the LGBT people in Europe and worldwide that the UK is leaving the EU, also known as 'Brexit'? Is this a good or bad thing?

Hillary Clinton at NYC Pride

The NYC Pride march had an unexpected guest on Sunday with Democrat Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton making a brief appearance.

LGBT equality in America A year after the Supreme Court decision

The US Supreme Court legalized gay marriage-- a milestone that was celebrated around the world. A year later, what is the state of LGBT equality in America?