October 2013 Femastrology
October Sun Sign Profile: Libra (September 23-October 22)
It’s always fascinating to hear what people have to say about their own Sun Signs. “So, how do you like being a Capricorn?” I asked a gal that the other day and she answered confidently, “Well, I think it’s a pretty good fit for me!” Typical practical, strong, business-like Capricorn answer! But when I ask most Libras the results are quite different. It usually goes something like this: “Well, yeah, you know, harmony, balance, beauty, and stuff like that…right?” Almost always, they want me to tell them what I think. And there is a key to the Libra personality, they want to connect.
Don’t get me wrong, Libras have their own opinions and don’t mind expressing them. Air Signs like to talk. Libras aren’t as notoriously chatty as Gemini’s but they can come in a close second. Cordial, engaging, charming, and persuasive, Libras often shine in professions where tact, decorum, and diplomacy matter. Of course, they also make great used car salesmen. When Libras piss other people off, it’s usually because of their schmooze-meister tendencies, coupled with their sometimes not-so-great knack for being superficial. Now, these aren’t the usual things you hear about the sign of Love and Relating, but every Sun Sign has its dark side!
Known for their refined good taste and artistic abilities, Libras always have something to add to the style file. They are good to follow on Pinterest. They also tend to kick butt in one-on-one sports like Martial Arts and tennis. And they make good cops and lawyers, too, as they have a sense of justice and fair play. They can make good criminals, if they have a partner. Bonnie Parker of Bonnie and Clyde was a Libra. And they love to be in love! Bedroom hint: They say Libras like to be dominated, but it’s really just a trap! You’ll be wrapped around their little fingers in no time!
Libra gets along with fellow air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, but may tend to seek out partnerships with those who are more “opposite” in some ways. They can match up nicely with a powerful Scorpio or a dominant Aries or Leo. Cancer and Capricorn might possibly be the worst match for Libra, as the tense aspects between these signs can block intimacy, which is Libra’s main goal. Dating a Libra? Make sure you like to talk, in the bedroom, too.
Femastrology Horoscopes for October 2013
For all the Sun Signs: October starts out with an explosive bang! Uranus in Aries, the bringer of sudden, revolutionary change, will be way close to Earth on the 10/4/13, opposing the New Moon in Libra. This could stir up some major drama, both personally and globally. Watch the headlines, you’ll see plenty. Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio on October 21, 2013, but we’ll start feeling the effects much earlier, so head’s up! Get all important decision-making done during the first week of the month, or better wait until mid-November. There’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries on 10/18/13…right before Mercury Retrograde, so all I can say is, October is going to be one wild ass month! October Opportunity Days: 9, 15, 16, 20, and 25.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Expect the unexpected big time regarding relationships! Important people in your life are in transition. Keep your cool as things could get a little dramatic. Be cautious with any legal issues that might crop up, they could be more important than you think.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Pay particular attention to all matters connected to health at the start of the month, as something may arise suddenly that needs quick attention. Keep an eye on possible fires that need to be put out in the work place. Stay centered!
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Single Gemini’s could be tempted to hook up this month, but be discriminating. You might change your mind by next month in a big way! This is a good month for getting outside your comfort zone socially, and for your creativity, so enjoy. It could be rapturous!
Cancer (June 21-July 21) Keep things calm, cool and collected on the home front, if possible. Then you will be able to focus on potentially powerful opportunities for career and life direction. There could be some major change with a close family member who might need your advice or assistance.
Leo (July 23-August 22) This could be a great month for you if you don’t end up putting your own foot deep into your mouth. Take care with any and all important communication. Less is more and watch what you put in writing. Be particularly aware when traveling, both around town or further. Get your car checked out if anything seems amiss.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) It’s all about the money, honey, so put some effort into all things fiscal this month and you’ll come out ahead. Respond to changes or upsets with money by taking decisive action.
Libra (September 23-October 22) This could be one wild birthday! This month snaps and sizzles with change, particularly in the relationship zone. If you are in the mood to put yourself out there, in business or personally, you’ll be noticed. Dress up, you are being observed.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Time to see what condition your condition is in. Feel like venting? Get ye to your shrink. Much is stirring inside of you and it behooves you to start processing it. You may be privy to some stunning secrets. Will you keep them?
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) This could be a super-fantastic month for your social life. Not interested? Why not? If something else more serious is on your mind, know that you are more likely to succeed this month with just about anything you try. Take advantage of it and get some things moving.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) This will be a wild and somewhat unpredictable month for you, so get yourself together right at the start. Don’t procrastinate on ANYTHING. You’ll need your wits about you to take advantage of major opportunities that could arise.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) You should be able to take advantage of some high energy, so channel it towards something useful. If you want to go somewhere, go. If you want to learn something, grab onto it. Action required!
Pisces (February 19-March 20) A fascinating brew of the past colliding with the future awaits this month. Use your psychic skills to figure out the maze and get a hold of some things you really want and need.
Victoria Bearden has practiced astrology for over 30 years, with clients across the country and abroad. To set up a personal consultation you can call her at 760-634-1028 or visit her web site at www.astrologervic.com.