October 2015 Femastrology

October 2015 Femastrology

October Femastrology
Positive changes are on the way…good news after some of the confusion of the previous month! September was tense; with eclipses, Super Moons, Mercury Retrograde and then some! October signals a return to balance (think Libra!) But we still need to get Mercury out of retrograde to “get the lead out.” This occurs on October 9, 2015, but don’t assume all systems are “GO” until a few days later. When Mercury goes direct, it’s still packing a powerful punch for at least a few more days, if not longer.

During these Mercury Retro cycles things tend to go bananas. This includes thoughts, communication, technology, machinery, and travel. It’s hard to know what’s up during these periods, as misinformation is common, mistakes are more likely and things just tend to reverse themselves. Not everything goes wrong during Mercury Retrograde, however. Often, important people and issues from the past resurface and we get a chance to review, reconnect and renew.

Mid-October brings clarity and a chance to “fix that which has been broken.” Consider holding off on big decisions until a few days after October 9, if possible, as things will be much smoother.

Venus, the planet of love, leaves extravagant Leo and enters discriminating Virgo on October 8, remaining in this sign for about 6 weeks. This will help us to focus and channel creative energy. It also can help us to be more practical concerning matters of the heart.

Opportunity Days: October 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, and 28.

To read more FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope, click below to order this month’s copy or, why not, subscribe for a year!

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