
March begins on a spiritual note, with the Sun in Pisces lining up with magical, mystical, mysterious Neptune.

Sexual orgasms

According to a recent study, it's confirmed that lesbians get more sexual orgasms than straight women. Likewise, it all depends on the 'golden trio.'

older LGBTQ adults

We all know that older LGBTQ adults have to deal with disability, depression, heart problems, and social isolation. But do you know how they're surviving?

February begins with Venus, the planet of Love, heading into Aries, the sign of the Warrior. This influence could be exciting, but is also volatile.

Lesbian diet

Data from a long-running nationwide study of nurses notes that the bisexual and lesbian diet has a higher diet quality as compared to heterosexual women.

Transgender health rights

In what could be a sign of things to come, a Texas judge has ruled against health care regulations that would protect transgender health rights.

January 2017

The New Year gets off to a bumpy start with Mercury still retrograde until January 8, 2017. But not so fast! We really won’t be out of the woods with Mercury until at least a few days after that.

Quit smoking - lesbian resolutions

Given that it's almost the New Year, why not quit smoking for 2017 for the sake of your health and the peace of mind of your loved ones?

HIV diagnosis

When given an HIV diagnosis, it's not the end of the world yet. Here are a few things to remember not only to keep yourself alive but to also have a life.

Mercury Retrograde in December presents challenges with communication, new ventures, travel, and technology, but can be trying during the Holidays.

World Aids Day 2016

For World Aids Day 2016, we look back at the research and progress we've made in fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic, as well as the search for a cure.

Lesbian families

Studies from different parts of the world have revealed this common fact: kids in lesbian families are just as happy as their heterosexual counterparts.

Bisexual public acceptance

Despite wider public acceptance of gays and lesbians in the past few years, bisexual public acceptance is still at a neutral phase, according to a study.

post-election depression

With the election victory of Donald Trump, it may not be surprising to realize that some of us may be suffering from post-election depression.

In November the Sun travels through the magnetic, mysterious, and magical Sign of Scorpio, eventually giving way to jovial Sagittarius on November 22, 2016.

LGBT - health disparity population

The National Institute for Health has designated the LGBT people as a 'health disparity population' to push research on health issues of the community.

HIV patient zero

A new study has revealed that Gaétan Dugas was not the HIV patient zero who supposedly triggered the AIDS pandemic in North America in the 1980s.

Lesbians and alcohol

Though the relationship between lesbians and alcohol goes a long way back, this relationship has some terrible consequences.

October Femastrology 2016 Libra

Mars has entered the sign of Capricorn, which is good news for everyone wanting to make some headway with work and projects this October.


In a first-of-its-kind resource, a comprehensive transgender sexual health guide has been published to help transgenders and their partners.


An anti-LGBT study has revealed that being born queer is "not supported by science" even as others scoffed at the science behind the study.


With medical science able to delay the onset of AIDS, you can find ways to keep yourself healthy even if you’re HIV positive.

Virgo artwork

This month makes a dramatic entrance with an Annular Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo on September 1, 2016 with eclipses marking endings and beginnings.

LGBT teens - suicide

In their quest to find acceptance and themselves, LGBT teens are more than 4 times as likely to attempt suicide as compared to their straight counterparts.

Transgender as a mental illness

Though the move by WHO to declassify being transgender as a mental illness has been lauded, there are complications involving medical care and insurance

LGBT kids - eating disorders

A study noted that LGBT kids are experiencing an increase in eating disorder behaviors like purging and fasting that may put them at risk in the future.

August 2016 Femastrology

August begins with a harmonious trine from the Sun in Leo. Read the Lesbian News August 2016 FEMASTROLOGY by Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope.

Dental dams - protection during lesbian sex

While having sex may not likely give us problems like STDs and pregnancy, this doesn't mean we shouldn't think about protection during lesbian sex.

Lesbian fitness

A study has found that lesbian fitness can be achieved by focusing on having better health behavior rather than just getting thin.

LGBT health problems - smoking

Being queer can be stressful because of discrimination, with a national study showing increased LGBT health problems as compared to straight men and women.