LGBT parents

With legal marriage realized for the LGBT community, the next dream for LGBT partners may soon come true: to be biological parents of their own children.

FDA blood donation gay ban

The FDA has rescinded their ban of gay men from blood donation, but only if they inhibit themselves from having sex with other men for one year.

Internal Gay Ageism

A study reported that midlife and older gay men suffer from "internal gay ageism," or the feeling of not being appreciated in the gay community.

Bisexual lesbian straight women

According to a study done by the University of Essex, women may be bisexual or they may be lesbian, but there's no such thing as a straight woman.

December 2015 Femastrology

Get ready for something wild this December. Read the Lesbian News December 2015 FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope.

sex toys

Sex toys have lost their image that they're for singles only as couples use it to spice up their sex life. But they're also causing envy for some.

Psychological effects LGBT bullying

Though one can survive LGBT bullying in school, the psychological effects can lead to mostly negative effects and this can spill over to adulthood.

banana not a dildo

Feeling like a dummy when faced with the decision to buy a dildo because of the overwhelming number of different types? Here's a guide to help you out.

November brings romance and creative productivity. Read the Lesbian News November 2015 FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope.

aging LGBT health care

Baltimore-based Chase Brexton has launched an initiative to help care for aging LGBT who live alone while providing valuable resources to LGBT caregivers.

lesbian bed death

Should you be afraid of lesbian bed death? Lesbian sex is known to make you reach new frontiers in lovemaking. But the question remains: does it last?

October 2015 Femastrology

October signals a return to balance (think Libra). Read the Lesbian News October 2015 FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope.

Johnny guevedoces

A remote village in the Dominican Republic harbors a rare genetic disorder where little girls turn into boys by the age of 12 called "guevedoces."

Cass model lesbians

Seen as a way to “normalize” homosexuality in society, Dr. Vivienne Cass created the Cass model on how lesbians and gays come to terms with their sexuality.

sexual fluidity

Are you sexually fluid? The spotlight now on sexual fluidity is about people discovering the line between sexes isn’t as solid as they thought.

Emotional infidelity among lesbian

Among the sexes, lesbians are most prone to emotional infidelity due to the very thin line between friendship and romance among women who love women.

People in the LGBT community are at a high risk of developing eating disorders. Find out how lesbians, gays, and transgenders are affected in the same ways.

September 2015 Femastrology

Big astrological happenings make September a fateful month. Read the Lesbian News FEMASTROLOGY By Victoria Bearden and get your monthly horoscope.

August 2015 Femastrology

The Aquarius Full Moon on July 31 will stir things up as August begins.  And the winds of change will be blowing. The Leo Sun will keep things upbeat.  Saturn Direct on August 2 will help us to “get the lead out,” finalizing old business and starting new projects. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Virgo on August 8, pushing our thoughts more to productivity. And things will be full steam ahead, for the most part. Except for Venus! Yep, Venus is Retrograde.  This will keep Goddess of love in this sunny sign of Leo all the way through October, which will have some benefits. The only problem is Venus Retrograde has a reputation for being sort of icky when it comes to love and money. In love, the Retro-Leo-Venus vibration could lead to drama, control issues and egotistical outbursts. New relationships that start in August could have some serious glitches. Ongoing relationships could even have a few bumpy patches. And

July 2015 Femastrology

Full Moons, fireworks, and fun, that’s how July begins! There’s a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 1, 2015 that comes with a touch of wildness from an opposition to Mars and a touch of creativity with a trine to Neptune. It should be a good one! With Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Leo on Full Moon Day, it’s bound to be emotional, exciting and maybe a little bit over the top! Positive aspects roll on July 4 promoting good vibes for the holiday. And of course, Mercury Retrograde is long gone now and things are looking up! By July 6th things heat up a little with a powerful and transformative opposition between the Sun in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. This could be a “combustible” day, with emotions running high and important situations reaching a “tipping point.” This transit may motivate some folks to make a big push for what they want, no matter what. Watch out for aggressive behavior

June 2015 Femastrology

We start the month off with a Full Moon in fiery, exciting Sagittarius on June 2, 2015 at 9:19 AM Pacific Time. And it could be quite unpredictable on the day of the Full Moon, as she will oppose Mars in Gemini in the afternoon. This can make people extremely excitable, for better or worse. And with Mercury in Gemini still Retrograde, issues connected to communication, transportation and technology could become pretty messed up! This energy won’t last long but it could pack quite a punch. So enjoy the creative energy wave (particularly in the evening) but keep your wits about you, as disruptive events are very likely. Venus, the planet of love, beauty and art, enters Leo on June 6, 2015, ramping up romance and creativity in a BIG way. Of course, if you are a Leo it’s even better as you already have Jupiter in Leo bringing in all kinds of great opportunities. Must be nice! Still, there is

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini is the big deal this month. It's usually a time full of "hiccups" when it comes to plans, business, communication, travel, technology and machinery. But not every Mercury Retrograde cycle means major trouble for everyone. It can be a time to reconnect to issues or people from the past, which can lead to positive insights and problem solving. Nevertheless, the month of Maywill have some bumps in the road and the most likely areas of turbulence will be computers, communication and transportation. Keep this in mind and delay making big new purchases or plans that cannot be easily altered, if possible. We will enter the "Shadow" of Mercury Retrograde on May 4, 2015. This means the energy vibrations will subtly begin to shift right at the beginning of the month. Mercury will retrograde on May 18, 2015 at 6:49 pm Pacific Time. The "Storm" or more concentrated form of the energy will come in strong before that on

APRIL 2015 PLANETARY UPDATE This Eclipse will bring up lots of truth and game changes revolving around personal and diplomatic relations. April is going to be some kind of wild!!! The month begins with a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 4, 2015! Eclipses always pack a powerful punch and this will be a strong one, as tense aspects will be made to the still aggravated square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This Eclipse will bring up lots of truth and game changes revolving around personal and diplomatic relations. Watch the headlines, as there will be some dramatic events in world politics, to be sure. Many of you who know a little more about astrology might be wondering why the Uranus/Pluto square is still such a big deal, as this world-altering tension fest is finally starting to unwind since its 2012 debut. In the words of recently deceased astrologer Jeff Jawer, “the impact will continue for years, just


Feeling lucky? March 1st and 2nd are both particularly fortunate days. If you plan important activities and communications on these days you will have an edge, for sure! The Sun is in early Pisces now and so is Neptune, so you must also make sure not to let wishful thinking supplant reality as you move ahead into this interesting month. It’s also nice to know that Mercury is Direct, which will give us all a chance to fix up anything that went totally haywire during the last 6 weeks or so. There is a Full Moon at 14 degrees Virgo on Thursday, March 5, 2015. This one should be good for bringing the creative and the practical aspects of our lives into sync. But remember that darn Neptune factor and be cautious, as people may be a little unfocused in the earlier part of the day on March 5, which could lead to emotional misunderstandings and other kinds of Full Moon blowups. The BIG NEWS is the Total Solar Eclipse on Friday, March 20, 2015, which also happens to be Spring Equinox! Wow, that’s cool! This is a big deal, literally, as

With Valentine’s Day around the corner you’ll want to read this! As February begins, Mercury, the planet of communication, is still retrograde in the sign of Aquarius. Mercury goes “direct” right before the big “V-Day” on February 11, 2015. Cool, right? Maybe but the days immediately before and after Mercury changes direction can be quite chaotic. So, if you are planning some kind of wonderful surprise for your honey on the 14…make sure you’ve got everything right. We wouldn’t want a Mercury Retrograde Valentine Faux Pas.   Take care with the written or spoken word during the first half of February. Doublecheck appointments and correspondences. Troubleshoot issues with cars, computers and devices. Check bank statements and credit cards carefully.   After Valentine’s Day, the Mercury Retrograde vibe will be fading fast and things will be clearer. Save really big decisions and activities until mid-month and beyond if possible. Venus, the planet of Love and Abundance, goes into Pisces at the end of January and lines up with Neptune right at the beginning of February. This is a romantic, creative, spiritual and magical energy. The Full Moon in Leo is on February 3 which will ratchet up the energy up a few notches. You can get great clarity

October Femastrology

October Sun Sign Profile: Libra (September 23-October 22)   It’s always fascinating to hear what people have to say about their own Sun Signs. “So, how do you like being a Capricorn?” I asked a gal that the other day and she answered confidently, “Well, I think it’s a pretty good fit for me!” Typical practical, strong, business-like Capricorn answer! But when I ask most Libras the results are quite different. It usually goes something like this: “Well, yeah, you know, harmony, balance, beauty, and stuff like that…right?” Almost always, they want me to tell them what I think. And there is a key to the Libra personality, they want to connect.   Don’t get me wrong, Libras have their own opinions and don’t mind expressing them. Air Signs like to talk. Libras aren’t as notoriously chatty as Gemini’s but they can come in a close second. Cordial, engaging, charming, and persuasive, Libras often shine in professions where tact, decorum, and diplomacy matter. Of

CVS is rebranding -- and they want you to know that your family is welcome, no matter what that family may look like. Ever since CVS stopped selling cigarettes and renamed itself CVS Health, the pharmacy giant has been extremely public about its commitment to the health and well-being of all customers. Now, the chain has released a new advertisement that showcases a broad range of families and individuals, including a gay couple (look for them around 0:23). (Courtesy of

Much of 2014 has felt a bit like a run-away train for many of us. The Grand Cardinal Cross in late April was the focal point for an enormous conflagration of planetary forces and the “ripple effect” will continue to be felt for the rest of this year. Some of the energy from the Grand Cardinal Cross has been challenging and dramatic, on a personal level and on a global level. Events in the Ukraine and the Middle East bear a strong testament to the nature of these tense celestial influences. Further ramifications of things set in motion by this complex influence will be revealed more clearly by December 2014.   But as Summer ends and Fall beckons, the 2014 Year of the Horse slows down to a gentle canter. September will not be boring but will be a bit calmer and uneventful. Take advantage of this slight “lull” to gather your resources and prepare for the last quarter of the year.

Summer is at its height and it’s time for all those Leo birthdays. And remember, Leos expect a big party and lavish gifts! The emphasis this month is fire. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will all be rolling through the Fire Sign Leo, which is exciting, dramatic, and potentially fun. Some of this energy will be bouncing off Uranus in Aries, sparking innovation and positive surprises. Take some time to be creative. This year has been demanding and August would be a good time to make a conscious choice to revel a bit.   Lucky Jupiter has just recently moved into Leo, which will be noticeable. Jupiter is the planet associated with “good fortune.”  Leo is associated with the Sun and the 5th House, which is also pretty darn fortunate. So, let the games begin! This month should be favorable for more risk taking, particularly if you have an emphasis in Fire Signs in your own birth chart.   If you are planning

Australian Same-Sex Study

Children of same-sex couples experience higher levels of general health and family cohesion than those from traditional families, a study shows. But the researchers warn that the stigma associated with their parents' sexual orientation is an ongoing challenge for these children. Researchers from the University of Melbourne surveyed 315 same-sex parents with a total of 500 children. About 80% of the children have female parents, while 18% have male parents. The children raised by same-sex partners scored an average of 6% higher than the general population on measures of general health and family cohesion. They were equivalent to those from the general population on measures of temperament and mood, behaviour, mental health and self-esteem. The lead researcher, Simon Crouch, said same-sex couples are more likely to share childcare and work responsibilities more equitably than heterosexual parent families, based more on skills rather than gender roles. "This appears to be contributing to a more harmonious household and having a positive impact on child health," he